Sunday 18 May 2014

Death of the Augnob

A strange adventure involving eye socks, wiggly worm creatures, mushrooms, green liquid and some other things.

So I started out making the scene with the church building and the bridge, I thought it might just be all set in this area. The rest of the game world was built out from there. Although I really liked making it, it started to make me feel a bit sick. It was like making nuign specter, it was like a bad dream. I think I'm happy with the game now though.

The game draws inspiration mainly from The Neverhood and Jacob Buczynski's games. It also ended up reminding me of Space Funeral when I added the weird creatures moving around the levels. I wanted the game to appear to have more depth than what the player might expect, because it looks pretty ugly and bad. I put a bit of thought into the world and tried to keep a few things consistent. Some of the detail and mini narrative ideas were inspired by Hotline Miami. The sound of the world plays a big part of the game too, like with most of my games. Angus Mckie's science fiction illustrations were an influence on some of the visuals, like the mushrooms and yellow and red balloon things, they pretty much directly reference some of his work.

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!! Have a good one!
