Sunday 26 April 2015

Dirt Stooge writing

Dirt Stooge is essentially a slow and atmospheric platform shooter. The shooting is interrupted by game maker text boxes which usually have few words, saying things about characters you encounter or describing the shotgun firing. I added this at first because I wasn't sure if I wanted enjoyable combat in the game. I also just like seeing text boxes. I like how the text boxes jar the shooting and make things appear a bit more narrative based; the combat seems to disappear slightly and I think text boxes (hopefully) give impression of something going on. I also decided to try and abstract the combat more by making sounds more chirpy and old gamey, rather than having loud banging guns and explosions; I ended up wanting to turn the action into being less satisfactory I suppose, and also be less relevant to fighting.

The game is based a lot on my old game maker games when I started using game maker, and also the early clunky scrappy game maker work by other young developers found on yoyogames. I wanted dirt stooge to feel half jarring in it's graphics, animations, text boxes, and movement but also have it run smoothly amongst that so it doesn't give too much of a headache to player. The player moves smoothly but also teleports, so it's sort of dodgy looking but hopefully doesn't give headache to person looking at screen too much.

The game is slow and boring because I find that really appealing for some reason, so I tried to have that while trying to make it detailed at the same time. Although I don't really want people to spend much time in the game, so I sped up the walking speed a bit. I think I slowed it down a bit again. I supposed fast movement is good because you then have the option to spend time in the game or just run through quickly. I did try this, but it made the text boxes more jarring and annoying and didn't suit my intention. It's not really supposed to be fun in the end, I was more interested in getting the right feeling and atmosphere.

Still, there are a few long levels to walk through but unless you're getting something out of it just stick with first and first half of second level.

The music I have used is originally by

I have altered it and messed around with it and other sounds in audacity

Wednesday 1 April 2015

beach game

I made this beach game. I don't know if it is a beach though. It has sand and some kind of black ocean surrounding the sand. I think that means it is a beach.

I wanted it to feel dry and really sunny. Very sunny weather. Really hot and sunny and windy, a very unattractive beach experience. Really windy and horrible, no lying on this beach, this beach is a nightmare come reality.

like usual with my games i wanted to have lots of sounds, so when you walk passed things you hear some weird hum, or maybe some music playing. I like how this is able to fill in for the simple graphics and is able to create a bigger picture beyond what you see on the screen.

They are waiting for the water to rise so they can drink it up

There seems to be no one around and yet streams of cars are crossing the bridge.

there's something I really like about MS Paint drawings stretching around 3D models. it's so dry and dull looking it's just fantastic

Oh, and there's something I like about the repeating clouds. i think i like the sound changing while the imagery is repetitive or something

Some sounds in the game are by:

The game can be downloaded: