Monday 16 December 2013

Space Game

So I've been working on this space piracy game which I think could almost be done.

So you fly around.

Disable other ships.

And board them.

And so in a separate game style you walk around in the ship and steal the stuff.  So it's like a really basic space rpg style game without heaps of really complicated stuff that i don't understand / don't want to look into. You can go warp-speed which generates a new area, the further you travel the more dangerous some areas become.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Galah Galah

So I made this game which involves a number of glitchy alien experiences. It's meant to be a game version of a video of unfinished games. To be honest I think Galah Galah is pretty empty though. I think it would require a lot more work to achieve what I really wanted. But unfortunately I'm not feeling that motivated to make games right now. This is only a semi-cooked experience of what I REALLY wanted to cook.

Sometimes I feel like a video of a game is more interesting than a game itself. So I wanted to try and make a game that is like a video of unfinished games. It doesn't have the same effect a video would because you're actually playing the game, and I don't know if that would even be possible to achieve, but I'm interested in this idea.

You can download Galah Galah from Gamejolt:

This was inspired by Jacob Buczynski's work, such as ROTF and his WTF series's.

Monday 4 November 2013

Started a new 'thing' with flying cars. Inspired by city sounds and Bladerunner I guess. A bit like Nuign Specter maybe

Sunday 3 November 2013

Sluggish Morss

I've been thinking a little bit about my Sluggish Morss game lately and felt like I should say something about it. The one I made with jack king-spooner, or rather we were working on our own visions of similar themes and made 2 separate games. I think my game is pretty bad, it has confusing/bad story telling due to me not really having any idea of what I was doing. It's like a mash-up of random themes and stuff [like most of my games I think]. I'm happy with a lot of the imagery in it, that and the music [most of the tracks by Jack] made it a kind of all right experience. But I think the game was constantly too in-your-face with the computer voices and screen changing. There was never a moment to stop and breathe. The whole thing was like a long trailer or intro. Maybe the game is interesting when thought of as just a cut and paste of different stuff, but I'm not that happy with it considering the amount of work I put into it. I'm very glad I made it though, it feels like it was a bit of a turning point for where my work would go. I'm also glad some people liked it. THANKS

Saturday 2 November 2013

Desert game

This is a game about a person in the desert. The main game is a pseudo-3D odd-perspective adventure with friendly characters in an endless wasteland littered with public toilets and phone booths. You can find a shotgun and go into an intense first-person mode to face threats. There are also interiors with point and click gameplay. The player can 'take' beverages and window/toilet cleaners by clicking on them.

I began making this after I got back into playing Borderlands. I'm sort of trying to create this game based on where my imagination took me while playing the first hour or so of Borderlands.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

This is what I'm making at the moment. So it's like grand theft auto but you're in flying cars. You hijack cars mid-air and avoid missiles pretty much.

This started out as an experiment where I was trying to capture a similar vibe from a moment in GTA 3 where it was foggy and raining and night time and there were sirens in the distance and a 'belly up' van with the fish picture on it was in a traffic jam. This moment had a strong atmosphere for me. Somehow the weather conditions made it feel like the cars in this pile-up were actually trying to go somewhere and not just go round the block over and over. The end.

So with my game I'm trying to get a similar feel but with bad sounds and reverb and train horns.

I've now put in 2 players, but you move both of them at the same time.

Saturday 30 March 2013


making some stuff and things.

This is a game I hope to get done soon, it plays a bit like nuign specter.

I really want to make a game with my pen on paper drawings, this video shows some things I've done with the idea. The first is an animated scene which might become an intro or title screen to a game. The second scene in the video was made by Hugo Mcphee and I drew the art, the game didn't get finished but I'm really happy with how it looks and it's a good example of something I'd like to do again in future. The third is a quick experiment focusing on audio.