Sunday 3 November 2013

Sluggish Morss

I've been thinking a little bit about my Sluggish Morss game lately and felt like I should say something about it. The one I made with jack king-spooner, or rather we were working on our own visions of similar themes and made 2 separate games. I think my game is pretty bad, it has confusing/bad story telling due to me not really having any idea of what I was doing. It's like a mash-up of random themes and stuff [like most of my games I think]. I'm happy with a lot of the imagery in it, that and the music [most of the tracks by Jack] made it a kind of all right experience. But I think the game was constantly too in-your-face with the computer voices and screen changing. There was never a moment to stop and breathe. The whole thing was like a long trailer or intro. Maybe the game is interesting when thought of as just a cut and paste of different stuff, but I'm not that happy with it considering the amount of work I put into it. I'm very glad I made it though, it feels like it was a bit of a turning point for where my work would go. I'm also glad some people liked it. THANKS

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