This level is hard to access but if you get the Omega wand you can talk to the lamb which will spawn standing outside the blank building opposite the milk bar. This will take you to the Beach Level, but you don't automatically lie down. You must find the tiled bathroom which has the bird circling over it (shown above). Inside it will have a towel which you need to 'kick' outside. This can take up to 2 hours as you need to get in the right angle to kick the towel. Once it's outside, if you can line it up exactly where I did above, your character should glitch into lie-down mode with the arm touching the head of the character. Make sure you go inside the grey building every now and then so your local star radiation levels stay low. If you stay long enough, after about 8 hours the level will instantly switch to night time, and at night time predators come out so you'd better head back to town when that happens. (In this area the same bird ambient sound repeats regularly which can get really annoying, I turned off the sound in my game.)
So to do this you have to bring your HP down to 20% which you can use the knife you earned last level to do (this causes the wild-life in the first section to react differently other than be still) (the knife can take down up to 200% health). Next just walk right on through the forest and when you come to the tallest tree you have to sleep at this point for 9 hours which will make the tall tree much taller. Sleeping will give your health up another 50% so you'll need to get it back down to 20%, you can do this by finding and running into a Grognog which will always smell you before attacking, it's breath won't smell to bad for your character (no poisonous Augnog count) but it's attack will bring your health down to 20%. It's smell will pass on to it's fellow Grognog which can be bad. Be quick before it kills you. Once you've taken enough damage run back to the tall tree, if the texture hasn't popped in yet you can usually grant a wish at that location. If you can I'd recommend wishing for a rainbow knife, which can upgrades your defence by 24.0002%. The enemy should be waiting behind the stone which is behind the tall tree. Now you can ask an animal to help you. Hit the tall tree. The coconuts off the tall tree should reach terminal velocity which should make the enemy disappear is one hit on any of it's heads. Your low health will also make the enemy feel more confident which makes this process easier because it won't try as hard. Using the Noogos' head can usually hit the tall tree hard enough for multiple coconuts to fall. Be as quick as possible but if the enemy sinks I'd recommend climbing up a tree further from it rather than closer.
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